Stilbite Hexagon
Stilbite Hexagon
Calming · Self-Reflection · Inner Peace
Stilbite's calming and soothing energy helps to alleviate stress, anxiety and emotional turmoil, used to promote emotional balance and inner peace. Stilbite is also believed to support self-reflection and self-awareness, helping you gain a deeper understanding of your thoughts, emotions and motivations.
Stilbite's gentle but joyful, uplifting energy encourages motivation, self-confidence and self-love, supporting you through new beginnings and self-discovery. Stilbite is also associated with creativity, helping you to tap into new ideas.
Stilbite is also believed to stimulate your third eye and crown chakra, making it useful for enhancing intuition and spiritual insights. It may also aid in dream interpretation and lucid dreaming.
Born In
Born In
India, South Asia
Shape Significance
Shape Significance
Hexagons represent harmony and balance and is at the centre of the Star of David.
Approximately 70 grams.
I embrace my fullest self and let go of that which no longer serves me
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